Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Reflections.

The last two Sundays as I have looked back over the week, I count many people who bring special kindnesses and blessings into my life. There has been a gift of a fresh bottle of grape juice.  A warm  loaf of freshly baked bread.  There have been phone calls and visits from friends and invitations to go on special outings.  Early this morning my Home Teacher shoveled  the snow from my back porch and steps and swept the car off.  After Church I was surprised when my sweet Bishop's family delivered a delicious meal consisting of a plate with ham and potato casserole, another with jello salad and another with a fresh green salad.

This Thanksgiving was another memorable one with the family.  Liz and Christi put on an exceptionally good meal, after which  we shook off a few pounds and had some good laughs as we competed in the video game  "Just Dance".  Next we watched a T.V. show about the Utah men in World War 11.  Then off we went to the movie and enjoyed the Disney show "Tangled".  The family voted it was one of Disney's best.  Grandpa stayed home, he doesn't like movies.  When we arrived home he was watching  football with the sound off.  He thinks the announcers make dumb comments and he gets so annoyed.
Friday, grandpa and I went with Mike's family and Christi's mom and dad  on their annual family outing to get their Christmas trees. It was a beautiful day with  blue sky and glistening white snow.  We stayed near the truck while Mike and Mason climbed up the mountain to find the perfect tree.  Mason tasted the new fresh snow as he did a face plant as he came down the mountain too fast.  The trip wouldn't have been complete without getting stuck in the snow, so at one point every one's Heave Ho was needed at the back of the truck.  We had a great time.
Next on the day's agenda was a  fun "Craft fair" with Liz's family and then to see the beautifully decorated Christmas trees that would be auctioned off on Monday for different charities.  While waiting for Rylee to perform we watched a huge room full of families having fun on big rubber blow-up games. Vernal is a very family orientated town.  After Rylee and some of the cheerleaders did their routine, because I had a slight ear ache, I went home with M & C where Grandpa adjusted  my neck, and with ear drops, a warm rice pack and wrapped up in warm blankets, after a couple of hours I felt better.   Craig, Liz and family plus Ry and Mason braved the cold at the Light Parade, entertainment and festivities.
A special thanks to our Vernal family for going out of their way for us.
It was a great Thanksgiving!  A good time was had by all!


Unknown said...

Sounds like it was a wonderful Thanksgiving for you. Glad you had a good time!

Jean said...

Two years ago we had a fun Thanksgiving at Jenae's when Diane was here. Last year we enjoyed T. Day with Tom's family. Lots of good food that day. This year it was fun away from home. Every year is different with always good food and family.