Friday, November 19, 2010

Using Food Storage.

Save money, eat healthy with food storage.
Many in the family have these huge bottles filled with cracked wheat for mush.
(Thank you, grandpa.)
Another good way to use the cracked wheat is-
Blender Wheat Pancakes
1 cup milk or (1/3 cup non fat dry milk and 1 cup water).
1 cup uncooked whole wheat or cracked wheat
2 Tablespoons oil
2 Tablespoons honey or sugar 
2 eggs                                         
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Put milk and wheat in blender.  Blend on highest speed for four minutes or less for cracked wheat.  Blend till batter is smooth.  Add oil, sweetener, eggs, baking powder and salt.  Bake on hot, greased griddle.

This makes 6 to 8 pancakes.  The leftovers are put in baggies in the fridge or freezer.   Later all I have to do is pop them in the toaster and walla, they are ready to eat with an added topping.

These are filling, rib stickin, hearty, healthy, nutritious and good for you pancakes.

A goal of mine is to learn to use my food storage. 


Lowry said...

The cutest cracked wheat bottles ever made. . It looks like you ate all of the cracked wheat. Refill it. Lowry

julie said...

I still need one of those cute cracked wheat bottles.....

Jean said...

I have one for you and I'll send it home with Kurt Momday. Wish you were picking it up yourself.