Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let it Snow!

It is a beautiful morning!

I was snowed in until Brother Stembridge cleared
my driveway with his four wheeler.
The snow measured 7 inches on the porch
 and it's still snowing.
When I opened the door to sweep the back porch,
 there was my annual Christmas gift from Santa's Elves.
Luckily it was propped against the door
 and didn't get any snow on it.
They left it there before it started to snow,
 because there were no tracks around.
Oh, the mystery of it all.   
I've received a special gift from this special someone
 for 13 years now. 
It is a always a beautifully wrapped box
 usually containing pajamas, cozy warm stockings and such.
Some year I'm going to catch them.

 In the winter I love staying inside. 
I've plenty to eat, plenty to do,
 although of late I have not been very productive.
I'm warm, and with the phone, T.V. and computer
 I have lots of variety and visitors.

I've been to parties and an art exhibit and a theatre production
 on the life of Handel this month.
I've read six novels this month when I haven't
 even read one novel for years.
I usually spend my reading time studying
 the scriptures which I enjoy.
This last few months I've taken a BYU
 religion class on the Old Testament.
It is a lecture piped into the ward house from Salt Lake
.  Oh, how I have learned to love the old prophets.
Learning about their lives and their
 inspiration and revelation
 even to guide us in the latter days is
 fascinating and sobering.
What a blessing the scriptures are to us
those with the spirit and knowledge that can help us understand them better.

~ ~ ~

Merry Christmas to all and special Christmas blessings.

1 comment:

julie said...

I'm glad your reading and doing fun things while your snowed in.....

Merry Christmas!