Thursday, December 23, 2010

Something to Think About!

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A remarkable man.
I Love to listen to his German accent.
Not at all bad to look at either!

In the "Christmas Devotional" that can be found
at -
(you can read, listen or watch)
Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about the "Grinch".

"The Grinch saw the good in Christmas when he learned to look past its worldly trappings.
If we do the same, we can, with the Grinch, proclaim:
Maybe Christmas . . .doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas . . .perhaps . . . means a little bit more!"

"While the Christmas season is typically a time for looking back and celebrating the birth of our Lord, it seems to me that it should also be a time of looking to the future.  Let us look forward.  Let us prepare for that blessed day when He will come again.  Let us be as wise as those ancients who watched for His coming."

He suggests three areas for us to prepare for the season.

1.  Rejoice in the Birth of Our Savior.
The joy in heaven was so great it could not be contained, and angelic hosts parted the veil, proclaiming unto shepherds "good tidings of great joy, . . . praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

The Wise Men "rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  [they] fell down, and worshipped him . . .and presented unto him gifts.

2.  Ponder His Influence in Our Lives Today.
"Let us take a step back, slow down a little, and reconsider what matters most.

3.  Look Steadfastly for His Coming.
"We live in the 11th hour before the coming of the day of our Lord.  Let us therefore look forward to that blessed day when the King of Kings descends with a shout, takes away death, dries up tears, and ushers in a new era of peace, joy and learning.

This talk helps one to "See Christmas through New Eyes".
He ends with a beautiful prayer for us.


Unknown said...

He is my favorite to listen to. I hope you had a good Christmas!

Jean said...

I've had and am having a very good holiday. Christmas Eve was with Jenae's family. Tom's brother and sister-in-law and 2 wee children were there. Tom can put on a real tasty holiday meal with all the trimmings. His specialty!!!
It has been fun to look back at other Christmases. Recent and long ago and far away. Last year time was spent at Primary Children's Hospital concerned for Breanne. This morninng I talked to her and she was on her way to Volleyball practice. Quite a difference from last year. She is a beautiful, sweetheart. A REAL KEEPER!!!