Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Logan Ready for School.

Last month I went to Liz's for a vacation and to finish a few projects.
We bottled 24 pints of beef.
She helped me lay out a quilt top.
This handsome young man helped me make a fleece blanket.
He can tie one three times faster than I can.
One of the days I tended Sutton, which I enjoyed.
I watched Mason play 1 and 1/4 basket ball games.
He was aggressively going for the ball under the basket
and collided with some one's head and his tooth went
through his lip.  We dropped Mike and Mason off at the
E.R room where he had 4 stitches on the outside of his
 lip and they let the hole inside heal itself.
We had many more experiences.
There is always alot going on out in the basin.

p.s.  I took Logan's picture to check  the next couple of years and see how fast he grows next to the cabinet.

1 comment:

Lowry said...

Of all the grandkids, Logan is going to be the one who is going to change the most in the next few year. It's going to be fun to watch him do it. Love, Lowry.