Friday, March 4, 2011

Sister Julie B. Beck

I had a wonderful evening Tuesday at Suzanne's R.S. meeting.  We met at Mutual Dell in A.F. canyon which was decorated with the "Promise of Spring" which was the theme for the night.  A delicious meal was served. We enjoyed a special musical number and then had the privilege to listen to the General Relief Society President - Sis. Beck.  It was a very informal meeting.  She answered a few questions.  Shared some of her experiences from around the world.  Talked about the history of R.S. and the early R.S. presidents and insights into the lives of women in the Bible.  As I have thought about that evening and thought about her, I have marveled at what a remarkable woman "for such a time as this".


Kristen said...

How wonderful! I absolutely LOVE her! Is the picture in the post after this one of you and her?

Jean said...

Yes, the picture is of us. Her mother lives in Suzannes's ward. This is an annual event to have Sis. Beck speak each year. Her mother and husband also attended that night. They were fun and joking. I was the only dorky one to ask for a picture, but she was so gracious. The first one didn't take at all. When I went back a few minutes later for another picture, to my surprize, she put her arms around me.
She is taller than I and very slender. She is wearing her coat and that picture makes her look heavier than she really is.
Bad camera! Naughty, Naughty.