Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

From the movie "An Affair to Remember".

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter's Eve.

I Love Christmas Cards.

Scenes of the Christ child's birth.
Pioneer scenes of our ancestors times.
Scenes of magic and fun.
Beautiful, cold and wintery scenes outside.
Warm and peaceful scenes inside.

"Winter is a time for comfort,
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home."
Edith Sitwell

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Something to Think About!

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A remarkable man.
I Love to listen to his German accent.
Not at all bad to look at either!

In the "Christmas Devotional" that can be found
at -
(you can read, listen or watch)
Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about the "Grinch".

"The Grinch saw the good in Christmas when he learned to look past its worldly trappings.
If we do the same, we can, with the Grinch, proclaim:
Maybe Christmas . . .doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas . . .perhaps . . . means a little bit more!"

"While the Christmas season is typically a time for looking back and celebrating the birth of our Lord, it seems to me that it should also be a time of looking to the future.  Let us look forward.  Let us prepare for that blessed day when He will come again.  Let us be as wise as those ancients who watched for His coming."

He suggests three areas for us to prepare for the season.

1.  Rejoice in the Birth of Our Savior.
The joy in heaven was so great it could not be contained, and angelic hosts parted the veil, proclaiming unto shepherds "good tidings of great joy, . . . praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

The Wise Men "rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  [they] fell down, and worshipped him . . .and presented unto him gifts.

2.  Ponder His Influence in Our Lives Today.
"Let us take a step back, slow down a little, and reconsider what matters most.

3.  Look Steadfastly for His Coming.
"We live in the 11th hour before the coming of the day of our Lord.  Let us therefore look forward to that blessed day when the King of Kings descends with a shout, takes away death, dries up tears, and ushers in a new era of peace, joy and learning.

This talk helps one to "See Christmas through New Eyes".
He ends with a beautiful prayer for us.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let it Snow!

It is a beautiful morning!

I was snowed in until Brother Stembridge cleared
my driveway with his four wheeler.
The snow measured 7 inches on the porch
 and it's still snowing.
When I opened the door to sweep the back porch,
 there was my annual Christmas gift from Santa's Elves.
Luckily it was propped against the door
 and didn't get any snow on it.
They left it there before it started to snow,
 because there were no tracks around.
Oh, the mystery of it all.   
I've received a special gift from this special someone
 for 13 years now. 
It is a always a beautifully wrapped box
 usually containing pajamas, cozy warm stockings and such.
Some year I'm going to catch them.

 In the winter I love staying inside. 
I've plenty to eat, plenty to do,
 although of late I have not been very productive.
I'm warm, and with the phone, T.V. and computer
 I have lots of variety and visitors.

I've been to parties and an art exhibit and a theatre production
 on the life of Handel this month.
I've read six novels this month when I haven't
 even read one novel for years.
I usually spend my reading time studying
 the scriptures which I enjoy.
This last few months I've taken a BYU
 religion class on the Old Testament.
It is a lecture piped into the ward house from Salt Lake
.  Oh, how I have learned to love the old prophets.
Learning about their lives and their
 inspiration and revelation
 even to guide us in the latter days is
 fascinating and sobering.
What a blessing the scriptures are to us
those with the spirit and knowledge that can help us understand them better.

~ ~ ~

Merry Christmas to all and special Christmas blessings.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lady Bug Throw.

This is the cutest material in real life.  I started making a tied fleece blanket, but it was a beast to work with.  It stretched and frayed all over the place.  Yesterdays project was to cut off the ties and secure it with stitches.  Another project finished.  Ya Hoo!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Bear Paw quilt.

Early this morning my computer said it was 7 degrees here.  I figured it was the perfect, yes, the absolutely perfect day, to stay in my flannel p.js, warm robe and finish this quilt.  Another finished U.F.O. and another pat on the back.
This is a tied quilt with a little thicker batting and soft flannel on the back.  I know it will  bring warmth and comfort to someone special.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Reflections.

The last two Sundays as I have looked back over the week, I count many people who bring special kindnesses and blessings into my life. There has been a gift of a fresh bottle of grape juice.  A warm  loaf of freshly baked bread.  There have been phone calls and visits from friends and invitations to go on special outings.  Early this morning my Home Teacher shoveled  the snow from my back porch and steps and swept the car off.  After Church I was surprised when my sweet Bishop's family delivered a delicious meal consisting of a plate with ham and potato casserole, another with jello salad and another with a fresh green salad.

This Thanksgiving was another memorable one with the family.  Liz and Christi put on an exceptionally good meal, after which  we shook off a few pounds and had some good laughs as we competed in the video game  "Just Dance".  Next we watched a T.V. show about the Utah men in World War 11.  Then off we went to the movie and enjoyed the Disney show "Tangled".  The family voted it was one of Disney's best.  Grandpa stayed home, he doesn't like movies.  When we arrived home he was watching  football with the sound off.  He thinks the announcers make dumb comments and he gets so annoyed.
Friday, grandpa and I went with Mike's family and Christi's mom and dad  on their annual family outing to get their Christmas trees. It was a beautiful day with  blue sky and glistening white snow.  We stayed near the truck while Mike and Mason climbed up the mountain to find the perfect tree.  Mason tasted the new fresh snow as he did a face plant as he came down the mountain too fast.  The trip wouldn't have been complete without getting stuck in the snow, so at one point every one's Heave Ho was needed at the back of the truck.  We had a great time.
Next on the day's agenda was a  fun "Craft fair" with Liz's family and then to see the beautifully decorated Christmas trees that would be auctioned off on Monday for different charities.  While waiting for Rylee to perform we watched a huge room full of families having fun on big rubber blow-up games. Vernal is a very family orientated town.  After Rylee and some of the cheerleaders did their routine, because I had a slight ear ache, I went home with M & C where Grandpa adjusted  my neck, and with ear drops, a warm rice pack and wrapped up in warm blankets, after a couple of hours I felt better.   Craig, Liz and family plus Ry and Mason braved the cold at the Light Parade, entertainment and festivities.
A special thanks to our Vernal family for going out of their way for us.
It was a great Thanksgiving!  A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Project.

All quilted and ready to bind.
In a few days I'll have earned another pat on the back.
I love this quilt.
It has a sweet, soft, old fashion feeling.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby, Its Cold Outside!!!

The forecast this week is for two days to be in the
 single digits.
Brrrrrrr, I pulled out my Long Johns today.

Yes, they do have the button up barn door in the back.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Super Saturday Activity.

We have a special and talented group of women
that made it a fun "Super Saturday" yesterday.
There were seven different items to choose from
with some of the sisters choosing more than one.
I made this Christmas decoration.
A black metal piece is attached to a picture frame
 with a metal star on top.  The letters are black vinyl.
It is interesting how the baby is
much lighter in the picture.
(It's a little eerie.)
We enjoyed a "souper" delicious lunch
consisting of 5 soups to try,
plus different breads, veggies and yummy cookies.
Everyone had such a good time they are thinking
about having  this type of activity more often.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Using Food Storage.

Save money, eat healthy with food storage.
Many in the family have these huge bottles filled with cracked wheat for mush.
(Thank you, grandpa.)
Another good way to use the cracked wheat is-
Blender Wheat Pancakes
1 cup milk or (1/3 cup non fat dry milk and 1 cup water).
1 cup uncooked whole wheat or cracked wheat
2 Tablespoons oil
2 Tablespoons honey or sugar 
2 eggs                                         
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Put milk and wheat in blender.  Blend on highest speed for four minutes or less for cracked wheat.  Blend till batter is smooth.  Add oil, sweetener, eggs, baking powder and salt.  Bake on hot, greased griddle.

This makes 6 to 8 pancakes.  The leftovers are put in baggies in the fridge or freezer.   Later all I have to do is pop them in the toaster and walla, they are ready to eat with an added topping.

These are filling, rib stickin, hearty, healthy, nutritious and good for you pancakes.

A goal of mine is to learn to use my food storage. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dave's a WINNER!

I said to myself a while back, (yes I did) that whoever commented on my blog would get to pick out of the quilts I'm completing.  Dave is the "grand poo bah" winner.  Liz also commented.  No quilts for her, she makes her own, but I'll have something else for her. 
Loves ya both a whole bunch.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thankful For -

Potatoes I bottled today.
It is so fast and handy to have potatoes already cooked to add to soups, to fry and top with cheese, to heat, mash and serve with gravy, and to use in casseroles.
It's a good feeling to have these
all ready to use on the shelf.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book of Mormon Messages.

President Matthews taught us that two (there are many) of the
messages to look for in the Book of Mormon are,
 Why Were They Destroyed?
 How to get rescued.
Yesterday, while reading Helaman 4:12-13
there was an interesting list and lessons to be learned.
The Lamanites had defeated the wicked Nephites.
Prophets preached to the Nephites and prophesied concerning their iniquities,
 and what would come of them if they did not repent of their sins. 
The list included:

  • Pride of their hearts.
  • Exceeding riches.
  • Oppression to the poor.
  • Withholding their food from the hungry.
  • Withholding their clothing from the naked.
  • Smiting their humble brethren upon the cheek.
  • Making a mock of that which was sacred.
  • Denying the spirit of prophecy and of revelation.
  • Murdering.
  • Plundering.
  • Lying.
  • Stealing.
  • Committing adultery.
  • Rising up in great contentions.

13.  And because of this their great wickedness, and their boastings in their own strength, they were left in their own strength;  therefore they did not prosper, but were afflicted and smitten, and driven before the Lamanites, until they had lost possession of almost all their lands.
(When they were righteous, humble, thankful and would acknowledge God's help and strength, they were blessed, but when they boasted and forgot where their blessings came from they were left to themselves.)
 It is important that we understand how to receive the strength and guidance that is needed in our lives for ourselves and for our families.
"If ye love me, keep my commandments."     John 14:15

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thankful For Kurt.

Fall Jobs that Needed to be Done!
Grandpa had his chainsaw sharpened and filled it
full of gas, but couldn't keep it going to get the big
 pile of branches cut into smaller sizes to fit in the truck.
Along came our hero and had that saw purring continuously,
and the job was fininshed in no time.

Cleaning out the water heater of the hard water build up
was next.  With Kurt's help it went much faster than years
before when we have done it ourselves.
Thank You Kurt.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful For -

My new soft, warm and cozy "Fleece Sheets" from Costco.
No more cold legs and feet.

Monday, November 1, 2010

My 2010 Halloween

Halloween is a very creative, big deal at the County offices.
It was fun to see all the cosumes and decorating this year.
Claudette and Mini are very competitive and  it was amazing how they could turn our area into a whole different world on practically nothing but paper, boxes,  and things found around our homes. We usually took 1st place in the contest.
Since retiring three years ago, I have gone to Liz's house to celebrate their family traditions with them. The mayor's costume parade at the Rec. Center,  "Trunk or Treating" at the Church parking lot, eating at Arby's, tricking a few homes that they knew give out good treats, like Showalter's where it is scary getting  to the door, but if you can make it past the spooks and chainsaw you get a can of pop.  Then the families would meet, visit,  joke and hang out at grandma Annies and enjoy her special popcorn balls. The younger cousins would trick or treat in her neighborhood, which was great, because the houses were close together.  This year there was a change in their traditions.    It was sad and difficult.  Sweet, fun and dearly loved, grandma Annie isn't with us anymore.  She is and will be deeply missed.   

I'm Thankful For -

At D.U.P this morning they talked about a trapper.  He lived in Montana for a number of years then came into Utah Valley in 1941.  (Brigham Young and his company arrived in Salt Lake in 1947).     The trapper recorded in his journal about Utah Valley being filled with Sunflowers.  He watched as the Indians gathered sunflowers seeds and grasshoppers to eat to keep from starving.
I'm so thankful for gardens, orchards and big trucks that keep rolling in so we can keep our supermarket shelves filled.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

I have so many good neighbors that are always kind and thoughtful of me.
Sister Berry, a sweet single mom, and her four children delivered this "Happy Halloween" gift on Monday (FHE) night along with two muffins. The delicious lemon, poppy seed muffins didn't last long. It is interesting how an act of kindness puts sunshine in your soul just as the candle lights the inside of this jack-o-lantern. I feel richly blessed and am deeply grateful for my good neighbors, friends and special family.
The picture was taken in the dark with the "night portrait" setting on so as to see the light in the jack-o-lantern. Ummm, I'll have to work on that.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Will Rock Your World!

John Bytheway is a favorite speaker and teacher.
This message is direct and jarring and makes you go "whoa."
Just like it says on the back cover.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Finished Top.

" Stack and Whack or Crazy Nine Patch"

Made the blocks years ago.
This last two weeks I sewed them together
and last night I finished the border.
YEAH! I deserve a pat on the back.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Rare Week That I Need More Of.

Seeing or hearing from more than one of my siblings in one week is very rare.
But this last week -

Sharon and Brian traveled from Albuquerque for her daughter Jennie's wedding on the 15th.
It was a lovely wedding. She is such a cute little gal.
Lots of hugs, fun, laughter and catching up on life's happenings with Sharon and her family.
John's daughter, Jana was at the wedding with Elaine and Stan. More good fun and visiting. Jana sends me a Christmas card each year and I love hearing about her life and travels, but it was a real treat to visit with her in live living color. Jana informed me John was having heart problems and had come to Salt Lake for tests. I called John the next day and his heart is fine, but his problem might have been triggered by "sleep apnea" (spelling). He is wearing an oxygen mask at night now.

Betty, Harold and their son Jeffrey decided on the spur of the moment to drive from North Carolina to visit their daughter Lavinia. The five of us met in Salt Lake for Lunch last Saturday.
Harold is confined to a wheel chair because of a stroke, but claims with a big smile that Betty is taking very good care of him. It was so good to visit with them and get better acquainted with Jeffrey. I haven't seen him for thirty years. He lives in a beautiful part of Virginia and encouraged me to see that part of our great country.

I should have called my brother, Larry in California, then I would have heard or seen all my siblings in one week.

Yes, this was a rare week and some how, even with the family all spread out, we need to figure a way to get to know each other better.
Betty said she thinks mom and dad look down and aren't very happy with us because we don't even know each other.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The West Ladies.

This mother and three daughters are known as "The West Ladies". Years ago they moved to Tennessee and chose to live off the grid (no electricity). Their neighbors taught them, plus they have learned many of the old basic ways of life and homemaking. They share these skills in their DVDs on Bread Making, Candle Making, Soap Making, Gardening, Canning, Herbs, Dairy Delights, Sewing and Quilting. As I watch the DVDs, I get the feeling they are old friends and would love to go back and visit with them.
A West Ladies recipe I found online is -
Poor Man's "Zucchini" Crab Cakes
1 1/2 C. shredded zucchini, patted dry.
1 C. bread crumbs
2 Tbsp. grated onion
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning
2 eggs slightly beaten
oil for frying
Combine all ingredients. Heat oil for frying and drop by rounded spoonful into oil and fry until crisp brown on both sides.
Serve with Tartar Sauce.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Bright Friendly Gift.

My good friend and neighbor Gwen brought this beautiful, brighten your day arrangement as a celebration for Pioneer Day and thanked me for being her good friend and neighbor. All three kinds of flowers came from her yard. When the weather cools a little she is going to give me a start of each one. Then I can brighten someone elses day with a beautiful, bright, friendly bouquet.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Honor the Farmers.

A few verses of a song in
the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers songbook.
The Man Behind the Plow.
'Tis very nice to go to school to learn to read and write,
'Tis nicer still to dress up fine, and sport around at night,
Your music, painting, poetry may all be hard to beat.
But tell me what you're going to do for something good to eat.
I like your great inventions, and I'm glad you're gettin smart,
I like to hear your music for it kind a stirs my heart.
But 'twill never touch the stomach of a real hungry man.
And so I call attention to a kind a thing I can.
But if you pay attention. I have just a word to say,
About a great mistake you make and do it every day.
In dealing out your praises, and I want to tell you now
The greatest of the great men is the man behind the plow.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Mount Up with Wings as Eagles."

A favorite scripture, that we (Julie's family)
read and talked about last night
before family prayer.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Pee Little Thrigs - Spoonerisms

Once upon a time there were pee little thrigs.
Each pittle lig wanted to hild a bouse.

The pirst little fig made a strouse of haw.

The pecond little sig made a stouse of hicks.

The pird little thig made a brouse of hicks.
~ ~ ~
This Summer I am working with the same materials.

Straw to mulch the garden to
keep moisture in and weeds out.

Hauling sticks and branches away.

Determined to move the bricks
clean up the yard.
Believe me, this work is no "Fairy Tale".
"not by the chair of my hinny hin hin"!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sweet Picture.

This picture is on the cover of "The Friend" magazine.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Special Friends.

We enjoyed a three hour meal Tuesday night at Outback Steakhouse with special friends Bonnie and Gary from Nebraska. We caught up on each others life happenings during the years and laughed. Oh, how we laughed. We really need to see them more often.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Gardening is a yearly learning experience.
I have spent many hours in the yard and garden this summer and am thoroughly enjoying it. I wasn't going to plant a garden , because I didn't fertilize the ground in the Fall or Spring. Plus, the Spring was rainy, long, cold and excellent for growing healthy, strong weeds. After roto-tilling twice, some parts three times, I knew I would be fighting weeds all the growing season, but as I heard everyone talking about their gardens and after visiting a nursery, I caught garden fever and set out some of my old grow boxes which are easier to control and work with. I fertilized with Nutra-mulch ( turkey manure) and started planting squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. I've mulched with straw to keep the plants from drying out and having to water so often. I added Azomite around the plants, which is volcanic rock powder. It adds minerals (no chemicals) and is suppose to be very beneficial to garden plants and fruit trees. More grow boxes are being put together. It would be interesting and again a learning experience to plant a Fall garden.
The biggest part of the garden is having a rest this year covered in black plastic, which will kill those ever striving to survive noxious weeds.
The plants are beautiful and starting to produce. Now I check every morning for bugs. I've covered the peppers and tomatoes. Bambi started munching on them.

Zucchini -I've enjoyed 3 already.

Crookneck squash - 2 growing and 6 blossoms.

It is a blessing to work with the land and become more self sufficient.

Our Founding Fathers Sought Help from God in the Dark Hours of the Struggle for this Nation's Liberty.

Prayer at Valley Forge
by Arnold Friberg
If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray,
and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thank you Christi for sharing pictures.

Fun St. Patricks Day.
Thank you Justin Beiber (look-alike) for
sharing your 'wearing of the green'.

Rylee's Cheer Review.
It was tender and emotional to watch
father and daughter dance together.
They were the handsomest couple.
The Gang together for a fun night.
Christi's beautiful mother is behind Logan.

Mason is an exciting, action player.
He's made some great plays on the field.
Look at that power swing.
The ball is by the ladies foot.

Don't be deceived by this sweet helping picture.
He has well earned the name -
Little Wild Man

One of "Wendy's" newest and finest.
Stunning - huh!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Follow the Prophet!

"Just as in the days of Noah,
a way is already prepared for the escape
of the Lord's elect,
if they are in tune with His prophets."
Elder H. Aldridge Gillispie, February 8, 2005