Thursday, July 8, 2010


Gardening is a yearly learning experience.
I have spent many hours in the yard and garden this summer and am thoroughly enjoying it. I wasn't going to plant a garden , because I didn't fertilize the ground in the Fall or Spring. Plus, the Spring was rainy, long, cold and excellent for growing healthy, strong weeds. After roto-tilling twice, some parts three times, I knew I would be fighting weeds all the growing season, but as I heard everyone talking about their gardens and after visiting a nursery, I caught garden fever and set out some of my old grow boxes which are easier to control and work with. I fertilized with Nutra-mulch ( turkey manure) and started planting squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. I've mulched with straw to keep the plants from drying out and having to water so often. I added Azomite around the plants, which is volcanic rock powder. It adds minerals (no chemicals) and is suppose to be very beneficial to garden plants and fruit trees. More grow boxes are being put together. It would be interesting and again a learning experience to plant a Fall garden.
The biggest part of the garden is having a rest this year covered in black plastic, which will kill those ever striving to survive noxious weeds.
The plants are beautiful and starting to produce. Now I check every morning for bugs. I've covered the peppers and tomatoes. Bambi started munching on them.

Zucchini -I've enjoyed 3 already.

Crookneck squash - 2 growing and 6 blossoms.

It is a blessing to work with the land and become more self sufficient.

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