Monday, July 26, 2010

Honor the Farmers.

A few verses of a song in
the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers songbook.
The Man Behind the Plow.
'Tis very nice to go to school to learn to read and write,
'Tis nicer still to dress up fine, and sport around at night,
Your music, painting, poetry may all be hard to beat.
But tell me what you're going to do for something good to eat.
I like your great inventions, and I'm glad you're gettin smart,
I like to hear your music for it kind a stirs my heart.
But 'twill never touch the stomach of a real hungry man.
And so I call attention to a kind a thing I can.
But if you pay attention. I have just a word to say,
About a great mistake you make and do it every day.
In dealing out your praises, and I want to tell you now
The greatest of the great men is the man behind the plow.

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