Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another Birthday!!! May They Continue.

As I lay in bed this morning, I thought about my mother. The excitement and relief she felt after a healthy baby's arrival. She told me the first thing she did was check if I had all my fingers and toes. I thought of her constant care, guidance and some of the fun times we've shared. I'd love to be able to talk to her today.

I flipped the covers off, swung my legs over the edge of the bed and sat there feeling like Punxsutawney Phil. Feb. 7th is my Groundhog Day. I wonder what the forecast is for this next year for me? Thinking of the past year, my conclusion is, it was a very good year.


julie said...

Hey Puncitony Phil...
swing your legs out of bed!!!
Happiest of Birthday's to you...
your right, you've had a great year...many more to come!

chrissy said...

Happy happy birthday, Jean-o, dear.
Happy days will come to you all year.
If I had a wish then it would be...
A HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from me!

Jean said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you Chrissy. I could hear you sing that in your best Primary President's voice. How sweet it is!!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Jean! I hope our birthday package arrives to you soon! I was hoping it would get there right on your birthday but I guess this will extend your celebration:). We love you and wish you a wonderful year ahead!