Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Temple Block & Mission Chapter 5

Salt Lake Tabernacle built between 1864 and 1867.

Temple block 1897.
Early Guide on Temple Square
In 1875 he received an additional appointment from Pres. Young, to act as custodian of the Salt Lake Tabernacle. In this work he was to meet tourists on the Temple Square, show them the grounds and interior of the Tabernacle, answer their questions regarding the Mormon religion and perhaps play a few hymns for them on the Tabernacle organ.
It was at this time that he purchased a book for guests to sign. This book has been given to the Church Historian's Library. He worked alone on the Temple Block for twenty five years. Except for two years, 1885 to 1887, when he was a missionary in Great Britian. In 1902 the first Bureau of Information was established.
Some of the names in his book are : Civil War General - Philip H. Sherida, President Ulysses S. Grant, President Rutherford B. Hayes, President Theodore Roosevelt, President William Howard Taft. World Prize fighter - John L. Sullivan, William F. Cody or "Buffalo Bill", greatest pianist of his time - Paderewski, band leader and composer - John Philip Sousa, John W. Rigdon son of Signey Rigdon who later joined the Church.
Information from an article on C.J. Thomas in "The Improvement Era" 1963.
Thank you to my sister Betty for sending it to me.
Mission Call to England
In 1885, he was called on a mission to great Britain to serve in Yorkshire and London. The dense fog caused acute bronchitis which became chronic and from which he suffered more or less for the rest of his life.
He returned two years later and the authorities called him to his previous position on the Temple Block.

1 comment:

Lowry said...

Real interesting information on internet. Search for Salt Lake Tabernacle. Then go to Widipedia. Lots of fun stuff to read about the Tabernacle. Love you all. Lowry