In November of 1865, he was sent to the St. George area
to help in various settlements. Brigham Young was anxious for
the colonizers to to be taught both vocal and instrumental music.
While there he was called to join the militia because of
serious Indian troubles and wars.
He went on several expeditions in defense of the people.
On one occasion, while traveling alone on horseback,
he saw a small company of Indians approaching him.
There was nothing to do, but go ahead and meet them.
He started whistling a merry tune and as he drew near,
he stopped his horse and saluted them in the Indian dialect.
With a very thankful heart, he was allowed to go on in peace.
In 1868, he was sent to Beaver, UT. to teach
and organize musical groups there.
The settlers were poor here and to help support himself,
he worked in the woolen mills and also taught school. (3)
Three years later, in 1871, Pres. Brigham Young
called him back to Salt Lake City to resume his
old position as musical director at the Theater.
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