Monday, January 5, 2009


I was dressed in dad's buckskin jacket.
I wore Bridger Dain's coonskin cap.
I carried dad's muzzleloading rifle.
"I'm in pursuit - in HOT pursuit.
I've pursued that darn deer relentlessly for several days now, but he's soooo evasive.
I've LEARNED a good lesson during this hunt. I'll share it with you so you won't have the same HEART - WRENCHING experience I've had.
Picture This -
I was sitting on the highest mountain peak in Utah overlooking a luscious green meadow. Out from behind a huge boulder came the most beautiful 10 point buck you will ever hope to see.
It was a thrill to aim and get that buckskin in my sights. I aimed and aimed and aimed real good. He just stood and looked at me.
Now, I hate to brag or boast or make anybody bitter at me, but, I AM THE CHAMP. I am the most wild, wide-eyed woman aimer west of Winimmucca.
After aiming at him and him looking at me for about 15 minutes, he slowly turned and walked away.
Don't Just Aim.
You Need Action"


julie said...

Instead of making a list of New Years Resolutions, some on my friends choose one word to remember for the New Year...
last year "Action" was my friends word, this year her word is "calm" I thought that was a great idea!

I need my word to be "calm" also, I need to stay calm this year with my 6 jobs, 4 kids and 1 husband...
I figure if a mother is calm...her family is calm and the whole world is that's what it is for me...calm.

Jean said...

Thank you for taking the time to send that information. I am sitting here searching for one word that would be a constant reminder for my situation. I'll find it.

Meanwhile, I have a real good aim on that basement, but it needs lots of action.

I love and appreciate you,

Unknown said...

Jean I am laughing so hard!!! You are really great with words:) And Julie I like your thoughts...Calm is what I need too. But I agree with you Jean...basements need Action!