Saturday, June 13, 2009

This Seemed Like the Longest Day.

I worked around the house this morning,

4th of July '99

and organized a box of pictures to distribute to the family. I looked at the clock at 1:15 and expected it to be 5:30. It seemed like the day was really dragging. I did find this hammock picture that I was thinking about. I realized that my hammock isn't like C & D's. Mine is the cotton rope style.
There swings some of my greatest blessings. That was a fun stage of life. The cousins have had such fun together. They still do in their teen years. They have protective uncles that love, are concerned, and set good examples for them. The uncles always make it fun when we get together.

Low called just before 2 p.m. and wanted to ride to Heber. He was stranded in his office for about 15 minutes because of rain. It was one of the strongest downpours we have ever seen. In Heber we shopped and ate our lunch in the car at the park. We noticed an old beat up yellow truck parked with the lights on. We decided my good deed for the day was to alert the owner. After explaining the situation to the woman who answered the door, who was about my age, I mentioned what a lovely yard she had. She replied, "Oh, you should see the backyard". While Low talked to her husband, who recently retired from working at a power plant where they had lived "on the mountain" for years, I had a delightful tour and visit with her. It was a small yard. She has a knack for creating out of the unexpected. She mentioned she has won awards for her landscaping. She invited me three or four times to bring some friends and visit her again. She wants us to enjoy her yard and to see what she has done inside her little home. Which I am looking forward to .

Blessings to all . . . and to all a good night.

1 comment:

julie said...

LOVE that picture!
I loved the good-deed story, only in Utah could you walk up to a strangers house and start talking and she invite you in, that warms my heart that people like that still exist!
love ya!